Birth Chart Analysis
“What time were you born?” is important to know for making a birth chart. An astrological birth chart
also called the “natal chart” requires the exact date, time and location of your birth to re-create a
virtual picture of the sky at the precise moment you were born. Still confused? Fear not, here you can
explore more about the fundamentals of the birth chart.
To know more in details, consult the famous Birth Chart Analysis Expert Astrologer Lalit Kumar.
Birth charts astrology
Everything you need to know to decoding your birth chart is to understand the planets and their meanings.
Keep track of your family and friends also to see what's up with them astrologically if they’re having a
bad day and when they’re fated to fall in love. This architecture for your
entire birth chart represents your perception of reality along with the cycles you encounter throughout your life.
Birth charts and houses
As you see your birth chart, you may notice that the diagram is divided into 12 different sections. These are pie
shaped slices referred to as “houses". Houses and zodiac signs are the same in number (12), but it’s not the same
thing so don't get confused. Each house represents approximately two hours of time because houses are a visual
expression of Earth’s 24-hour rotation around its axis. Each house represents a different area of your
life and each house to help you familiarize yourself with the regions of the birth chart.
- 1st House: Physical appearance and Self identity
- 2nd House: Money, Values and Material possessions
- 3rd House: Siblings Relation, Peers or communication,
- 4th House: Family, origins, Home
- 5th House: Romance, Children, Creativity
- 6th House: Health, routines
- 7th House: Marriage, Partnership, contracts
- 8th House: Transformation, Inheritances, sex
- 9th House: Travel, higher education, Philosophy
- 10th House: Reputation, Career, legacy
- 11th House: Activism, technology, humanitarianism
- 12th House: Spirituality. Intuition, secrets
How to Read Your Birth Chart
Seeing your birth chart for the first time filled with unknown symbols, strange numbers and a whole complicated
shapes and lines can feel like deciphering ancient hieroglyphics making sense of a birth chart.
You can also get help from great Astrologer Lalit Kumar to read your birth chart.
Know Your Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water are the four elements which are the fundamental building blocks
of your birth chart. Birth chart study will help you know in which elements you are "strong",
as well as in which elements you are "weak".
Know about your Sun sign and the position of Sun in your chart: Sun is considered the most significant feature
of your birth chart. The Sun's sign and house show how you will shine your light in the world by your vitality,
creativity and even your hard work.
Birth Chart Analysis Astrologer - Discover Who You Really Are with a Birth Chart Reading
Get your FREE Birth Chart Reading report by the famous Birth Chart Analysis Astrologer Lalit Kumar.
In the birth chart you will find the planet's position at the EXACT moment you were born. You will
get a detailed report which includes predictions of your life purpose, your good fortune, obstacles in your life, and more!
By understanding your unique cosmic graph, you can empower yourself with the knowledge and power to
change your fate in any direction you desire.
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