Janam Kundali
Kundli means Birth Chart of any person which is made by using the birth detail information. In Vedic Astrology, Astrologers
learn to prepare kundli which shows the ascendant and planet position in various zodiac signs at the time of birth. In short
you can say that a Kundli is the life chart of any person. It helps us in understanding a lot of things about our present and
future situations. In astrological terms you can say that kundli predicts our future.
Janam Kundli is also known as 'Natal Chart', 'Janampatri', 'Birth chart' or Kundli Chart, describes an individual’s life based on
the positions of planets in 12 houses. Kundali charts is a graphical representation of positions of houses and planets that are
prepared based on the birth details like birth time, place and date of an individual.
Based on Vedic principles, Kundli tells about your personality, characteristics, attributes, habits, strengths, weaknesses, & so on.
In short kundli reveals about your future.
Why is it important to make your Kundali?
As you know, kundli can reveal all consequences of the life of an individual. To take advantage of all the favorable periods
and prevent the harmful consequences and negative influences in life everyone must have kundali. To remove the dark period
effects you can consult any vedic expert and take the advantage of their extensive knowledge and expertise in vedic astrology.
Who Can Prepare Kundali or Customized Janampatri?
Our Experienced Astrologer Lalit Kumar will help you to prepare customized Janampatri including all personalized details in brief.
You can take advantage of his personalized analysis about you.
- Kundli report identifies your strengths and limitations - On the basis of the report you can improve yourself as a good person and also develop your personality.
- Future Insight - Your Kundli provides a detailed explanation about your future events that helps you to be aware about coming problems and favorable periods to be prepared and make plans to overcome situations or enjoy in-advance.
- Forecasting - It forecasts your finances, love, marriage, career, job, child, family and relationships. If there are any harmful consequences then you can take instant solutions & remedies to remove the consequences.
Get Solutions & Remedies Free With Personalized Kundali
Astrologer Lalit Lumar gives free customized solutions and remedies for you with your personalized Kundli. It aids in reducing the impact
of malefic planetary influences in your Natal Chart, It helps you to remove the negative effect of planets in your birth chart and also
better utilize the benefits ruled by the favorable planets. You can consult him for detailed analysis and Premium Kundli Report In-depth.
To avail any of the above problems solutions by astrology, please call at: +91-9571392501 or Mail
your problem's in detail to: astrolalitkumar786@gmail.com
All information associated with our clients is kept confidential and is never shared by anyone.